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Yes, I’m ready to mother from my genius

– and be the best mom I can possibly be for my kids!

The results were instant after 1 hour of working with Souzzann! As soon as I got off the call, I felt so empowered and centered that I was able to dedicate a whole guilt free hour with my daughter and not be a worried or be a busy-bee mom, but simply be present, not feel guilty or even worry about the work I had to complete. I could simply be a mom with intention. It felt so good and it was exactly the clarity, insight, liberty and direction I needed!
Charissa da Silva

Brand Architect for online entrepreneurs, Charissa da Silva

I feel like the guidance I received in the first half hour alone was worth $10,000 or more. It was like she was handing me a giant bullion of beautiful, shiny gold that came in the form of stronger, more fulfilling relationships for my whole family and clear paths to higher self-esteem for my son. It’s changing everything. By following Souzzann’s advice, I felt the shift in my family almost immediately, and some shifts were, in fact, immediate.

Her insights on the call came easily as gently guided the conversation and asked the perfect questions, helping me uncover what our family could be doing to support not only our son better, but our entire family’s needs.

Souzzann is so gifted in what she does, I feel truly grateful that she is there for us as we navigate this very challenging world of parenting our children in this day and age. She is deeply insightful, getting to the roots of issues very quickly and specifically. Her demeanor is non-judgmental, such that I’m comfortable sharing all my weaknesses, knowing she’ll simply present a different way of approaching an issue – or point out that some things aren’t issues at all! Souzzann is a gentle, yet powerful, guiding light for us parents that want to do our very best for our families. When I think about the impact of what Souzzann does and teaches, I think about the ripple effect it can have. By helping us raise thoughtful, loving, engaged, respectful, responsible, and confident children, the positive impact this can have can reach far and wide and last for generations to come. I am hopeful her message reaches as many parents as possible

Karen B., New York

I realized a new sense of confidence. . . I had a plan for taking one concept and working on it for 2 weeks and then adding other parts. . . If you are interested in helping yourself or your children, this is the best available.

Jolaine Skinner